I came across a tutorial on the blog
Family, Fabric, and Fun for magic blanket binding. With this method, the front piece is cut smaller than the back, and the extra part of the back fabric becomes the binding.
The monkey blanket below is my second attempt at this method. I used fleece for the backing and then sewed down a strips of satin material as a border on the fleece. Then I followed the
tutorial for sewing the blanket together. My corners didn't come out completely flat as the satin and fleece didn't stretch quite the same way (I tried to treat them as one piece of fabric), but I think it turned out cute.

The flannel blanket below was my first attempt. It turned out really well. After washing it again, the back and front don't completely stay in place, so I want to sew across the middle of the blanket a few times to keep everything in place.

The matching burp cloth is a from a free pattern and tutorial by
Homemade by Jill. I use this all of the time. I am not in love with the ragged edge look, so when I make more, I plan on enclosing the raw edges.